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UNIT PLUS s.r.o. > About us


Brief Company Profile


Establishment: February 1996
Legal form: limited liability company
Number of partners: 1
Company representatives:

Ivan Blyznets

Share capital: 220 000,- CZK (7 860,- EUR)
Number of employees: 25 (as of 31. October 2020)


UNIT PLUS s.r.o.
ID: 64832759
Tax ID: CZ64832759
Reference-No. C/7439 at the Companies Register in Plzen

The company operates on: 2 327 m2 area
Consisting of                   - production area: 1 534 m2  
  - office area: 306 m2  
  - stock area: 487 m2


Launch of new website

Dear visitors, on 13.04.2015 we launched the new website of our company. We hope that you will like the new form and always find in it the information you need.

Ivan Blyznets
UNIT PLUS s.r.o.